You’ll find lot of different things on my blog: articles, slides from presentations, videos, blog posts, and (heretofore) unpublished writing.
Most of what I publish here focuses on reading theory, reading instruction, and reading assessment policies and practices at all levels-local, state, and national.
Enjoy and thanks for reading!
The Latest Posts

Reading for Understanding
In 2020, I worked with a team of several colleagues to synthesize the contributions of the IES funded Reading for Understanding Initiative…

Follow up to last session at the Festschrift Symposium
At the end of the discussions on Saturday, I meant to add this to the twitter feed as it relates to some of…

Pearson Family Fellows at LRA
Here’s a pic from LRA 2014 with the Pearson Family Fellows Yukie Toyama, Kate Brodeur, and Annie Ittner. Thank you, David! Lunch…

David Collaborates with Educators at All Levels
David has been a favorite speaker over the years at our Reading Leadership Institute, a network of Illinois literacy decision makers. He…

MSU Reunion at LRA in Nashville…
David Pearson, Devon Brenner, Mary McVee, Gina Cervetti, and Kara Lycke—all of whom occupied the same office suite in CIERA days at…

Book Cover for David
Some of us, mainly on the program, were challenged to make a short, pithy toast to David, preferably in the form of…

Research and Wine
I don’t write well enough to describe what David has meant to me. He was my doctoral advisor during my years at…

My memories of PDP
Having completed his doctoral program at the U along with Jerry Harste, he was very much at home at the U and…

Mentor, colleague, friend
Dinners with fine wine, shared cabs to the airport, projects in which we have collaborated. What an honor and a treat it…

Center for the Study of Reading Halloween Party 1984
Mary Alyce & P. David via Ileana Seda and Judy Scott
Enhancing the Interpretive Reading and Analytical Writing of Mainstreamed English Learners in Secondary School…Olson CB, Kim JS, Scarcella R, Kramer J, Pearson M, van Dyk DA, Collins P, Land RE (2012).
From Carol Booth Olson: David’s work on the reading/writing connection had a major impact on the UCI Writing Project. Specifically, Tierney and…
The link between standard and dual language teachers’ Spanish literacy instruction and ue of formative assessments. García, G. E. & Lang, M. G. (2018).
The-link-between-standards-and-dual-language-teachers-Spanish-literacy-instruction-and-use-of-formative-assessments-5b366daa9a4f1This article was submitted by Joey García. After re-reading the 1994 García & Pearson article on assessment and diversity, I realized…

2014 LRA ICG Breakfast
I have known David since meeting him during the 2004 NCTE meeting when he was recognized for one of many lifetime achievement…

LRA 2008
David made LRA 2008 (back when it was still NRC) in Orlando truly memorable by leading a dance party by the pool….

TBALL and a Hat
UCB and UCLA played on the same team between 2003-2009—perhaps a first! Of course this was the TBALL team (Technology Based Assessment…

Three Children, Two Languages, and Strategic Reading: Case Studies in Bilingual/Monolingual Reading. Jiménez, R. T., Garcia, G. E., & Pearson, P. D. (1995).
This article also was derived from Bob Jiménez’s dissertation. It provided qualitative case studies of a successful Latina student’s reading comprehension strategies…
The reading strategies of bilingual Latina/o students who are successful English readers: Opportunities and obstacles. Jiminéz, R. T., García, G. E., & Pearson, P. D. (1996).
Jimenez-Garcia-Pearson-1996-5b3440ca1f564This article was submitted by Joey (Georgia) Garcia to accompany the 1994 publication entitled “Assessment and Diversity.” David was Bob’s Ph.D….

Remembering a Common Legacy
It has been extremely difficult for me to match specific works of mine with specific works of David’s (I have attached a…
Learning: A process of enculturation into the community’s practices. Kong, A., & Pearson, P. D. (2005)
Kong-Pearson-2005-Learning_A-process-of-enculturation-5b3050a40662f From Ailing Kong This piece is the talk that David and I gave at the 2004 NCTE Annual Conference upon…

The generosity of David’s attention
Truthfully I can’t recall the very first time I met David. I do know that I was surprised, and honored, that he…
The Road to Participation: The construction of a literacy practice in a learning community of linguistically diverse learners. Kong, A., & Pearson, P. D. (2003)
From Ailing Kong David and I published this article in Research in the Teaching of English in 2003. It was about how…
The assessment of reading comprehension: A review of practices: past, present, and future. Pearson & Hamm, 2005.
During the work of the Rand Commission that redefined reading comprehension at the last run of the century, they commissioned some papers…

Trip to Napa and Sonoma
David, Mary Alyce, Susan, and Shawn in 2004 having a great time tasting and describing wines! Hilarious! From Susan Seilback

Life in the Radical Middle
I first met David in the late 90’s at a national meeting where—on the side—I had a chance to show him a…
Skills management systems: A critique. Johnson, D. D., & Pearson, P. D. (1975)
Dale Johnson and I wrote this 1975 piece in the heyday of Skills Management Systems like Wisconsin Design and Fountain Valley, all…
When portfolios become part of the grading process: A case study in a junior high setting. Sarroub, L. K., Pearson, P. D., Dykema, C., & Lloyd, R. (1997)
This book chapter published in the National Reading Conference Yearbook, 46th Edition, stands out to me as one of the more wonderful…

How I became a teacher
In 1963, Mary Alyce and I did the same 3 things as all our close friends. We graduated from UC Berkeley (Cal…
Recent Developments the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): An Analysis of Conceptual, Digital, Psychometric, and Policy Trends. Pearson,P. D. (2017)
In 2017 Prof P David Pearson delivered the OUCEA Annual Lecture at the Ashmolean Museum on 25th May. ‘Recent Developments in Reading…